Can Christians be Tormented by Devils?

 Can Christians Be Tormented by Devils?


That is a question many Christians have asked themselves when tormented in their mind or in circumstances of life. Let me declare that life in this world can lead many of us through so much suffering, but we have God’s grace. We have God’s power and strength to overcome the obstacles of our lives. Now, let’s go back to the topic of Christians being tormented by demons. This topic is controversial in nature. In our ministry, we have prayed for many Christians that have been tormented in their minds. They also have been tormented with an unusual amount of pain within their body. Under these circumstances, it is vital to start breaking curses of sin from yourself and from past generations. In Exodus chapter 20, verse 5, it says, “You shall not bow down to them nor worship them. For I, the Lord Your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of their fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me.” This scripture tells of the minimum generational curses that can be carried over from your ancestors. In other words, you can have many generations of curses from sins on your family line transferred to you. You can suffer the consequences of their sin. In the scriptures, it says that Jesus has taken our sins and curses at the Cross, but many Christians are still suffering from these curses. It must be confronted with the help of an inner-healing and deliverance minister. If you do this, you will have the freedom which the Lord Jesus Christ has established for you at the cross.


- Pastor Victor Irizarry

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