Prayer of Freedom


Lord, let me live each day as free as I can be, so that the next day will be more free than the day before. Help me to make what you say, what I do. Thank you for freeing me from sin's  bondage. I am free because you placed the penalty of sin's wrath on  your Only Begotten Son, so that I  might escape the judgment of spiritual death. Help me to possess your promises and leave no room for evil to dwell, in Your temple, my life. With Your help, I will face every circumstance with trust and contentment. I will encounter every adversity with hope and confidence. And I will take each discouragement in stride, knowing that every disparagement is an opportunity for You, to show Your power in my life. By Your grace, I am free. By Your power, I shall stay free. And by your constantly Indwelling Presence, I will live free!

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